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SteppeSteed Airways

Route Network
Aircraft Type owned leased overall leased out on offer on order Ø age
Boeing 737-300 BGW 10 0 10 0 0 0 38.3 yrs
Boeing 737-300 HGW 14 0 14 0 0 0 36.4 yrs
Boeing 737-400 BGW 3 0 3 0 0 0 33.1 yrs
Boeing 737-400 HGW 6 0 6 0 0 0 33.0 yrs
Boeing 737-500 HGW 9 0 9 0 0 0 31.4 yrs
Boeing 737-600 BGW 6 0 6 0 0 0 20.6 yrs
Boeing 737-700 BGW 10 0 10 0 0 0 24.1 yrs
Boeing 737-700 HGW 3 0 3 0 0 0 26.1 yrs
Boeing 737-700 HGW (winglets) 7 0 7 0 0 0 25.6 yrs
Boeing 737-800 SFP 1 0 1 0 0 0 8.8 yrs
Boeing 767-200 0 4 4 0 0 0 39.0 yrs
Boeing 767-300 2 0 2 0 0 0 35.0 yrs
Boeing 767-300ER (winglets) 2 0 2 0 0 0 4.7 yrs
Embraer 170 LR 4 0 4 0 0 0 17.3 yrs
Embraer 175 LR 10 0 10 0 0 0 16.5 yrs
Embraer 190 1 0 1 0 0 0 16.3 yrs
Embraer 195 AR 2 0 2 0 0 0 15.8 yrs
Embraer 195 LR 7 0 7 0 0 0 17.2 yrs
overall 97 4 101 0 0 0 27.1 yrs
Subsidiaries and Investments

This list contains all subsidiaries controlled by this company as well as all shares in other enterprises greater than 30%.

Enterprise Headquarters Country Rating Share Symbol
This company currently does not hold any shares in other enterprises.

Willkommen bei SteppeSteed Airways – wo die Tradition der mongolischen Steppe auf moderne Luftfahrt trifft! Unsere Airline ist stolz darauf, das Erbe von Chinggis Khaan und seinen legendären Reitern zu repräsentieren, während wir die Mongolei mit der Welt verbinden und die umliegenden Regionen mit unserem neuartigen Ulaanbaatar Chinggis Khaan International Airport.

Genießen Sie die Freiheit des Fliegens auf den Flügeln unseres SteppeSteed – einem Symbol für Schnelligkeit, Stärke und unermüdliche Entschlossenheit. Ganz gleich, ob Sie die endlosen Weiten der mongolischen Steppe erkunden oder die Welt jenseits der Horizonte entdecken möchten, SteppeSteed Airways steht für erstklassigen Service, Komfort und Abenteuer.

Begleiten Sie uns auf einem Flug durch die Geschichte und die Zukunft, während wir das Erbe der legendären Steppenreiter ehren und gleichzeitig neue Wege in der Luftfahrt erschließen. Machen Sie sich bereit für ein unvergessliches Erlebnis mit SteppeSteed Airways – wo die Tradition der Vergangenheit den Weg für die Innovationen der Zukunft ebnet.

Welcome to SteppeSteed Airways – where the tradition of the Mongolian steppe meets modern aviation! Our airline proudly represents the legacy of Chinggis Khaan and his legendary riders as we connect Mongolia to the world and the surrounding regions to our state-of-the-art Ulaanbaatar Chinggis Khaan International Airport.

Experience the freedom of flight on the wings of our SteppeSteed – a symbol of speed, strength, and relentless determination. Whether you're exploring the endless expanses of the Mongolian steppe or discovering the world beyond the horizons, SteppeSteed Airways stands for top-notch service, comfort, and adventure.

Join us on a journey through history and into the future, honoring the heritage of the legendary steppe riders while pioneering new frontiers in aviation. Get ready for an unforgettable experience with SteppeSteed Airways – where the tradition of the past paves the way for the innovations of the future.

General Information
Name SteppeSteed Airways
Code SA
Alliance The Journey Experts
Stock symbol not listed
Headquarters New Ulaanbaatar (UBN)
Country Mongolia
Parent company Asian Smile
Managing director Paelzer
Founded 2024-05-16
Rating AAA
General statistics
Transported passengers 7,998,366
Transported cargo 143,972 CU
Stations 78
Fleet size 101
Staff 5,530
SteppeSteed Airways has opened a new station at Yuncheng.
SteppeSteed Airways has opened a new station at Karamay.
SteppeSteed Airways has opened a new station at Ho Chi Minh City.
SteppeSteed Airways has opened a new station at Phnom Penh.
SteppeSteed Airways and CAMUXX REGIO AIRLINES have signed a new interlining agreement.
SteppeSteed Airways and Aviakompaniya Skhidnoyi Yevropy Avialiniyi Ukrayina have signed a new interlining agreement.
SteppeSteed Airways has opened a new station at Chita.
SteppeSteed Airways has opened a new station at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.
SteppeSteed Airways has opened a new station at Khabarovsk.
SteppeSteed Airways has opened a new station at Vladivostok.
SteppeSteed Airways has opened a new station at Moscow.
The enterprises China Connex, SteppeSteed Airways and Mekong Delta Flyer have formed the alliance The Journey Experts.
SteppeSteed Airways has opened a new station at Busan.
SteppeSteed Airways has opened a new station at Baku.
SteppeSteed Airways has opened a new station at Seoul Gimpo.
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